The Stash Permanent Collection, aka the planet’s only streaming platform dedicated to motion design, animation, and VFX, just added another massive chapter of inspiration and behind-the-scenes features with issue 165. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, AI, Animation, Brand film, Broadcast Design, BTS, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Explainer, Featured, Games, Illustration, Miniatures, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, Spec work, Stop Motion, Titles, Typography, VFX · Tags Aardman, ACHT, Antibody, Antoine Bardou Jacquet, Antoni Sendra, Assembly, Aydream, Bolder Creative, CLAN, Digital Kitchen, Ditroit, Division, Dog & Rabbit, Duncan Elms, Elastic, Electric Theatre Collective, FINCH, Futhark Studios, FX Design, Inertia Studios, Landia, ManvsMachine, Mathematic, Method Studios, Michael Fragstein, MonoGrafo, Mrzyk & Moriceau, Parallel Studios, Partizan, Patrick Clair, Pierrick Picaut, Polymath, Reactiv, Someform, Stylo Creative, The Mill, Vitor Cervi, YETI Pictures, Yves Dalbiez
London animator/Illustrator Anita Gill just slipped us her short film Check, a look at OCD, “Expressing feelings of anxiety, urgency and frustration through beautiful, abstract visuals and looping, chaotic sounds.” [Watch]
The design and animation team at Brikk in Stockholm stage the leisurely and idyllic journey of an espresso machine from Italy to Norway in this thoughtfully rendered product launch film for La Marzocco. [Watch]
Somewhere in the future, when the world has come to its senses and finally establishes the Car Insurance Advertising Hall of Fame (CIAHoF), this spot from Division directing duo Mrzyk & Moriceau will be inducted for sheer audacity. [Watch]
Gabriele Montinaro, a freelance motion designer based in Italy, bares his heart and understandably tortured soul in this exuberant motion exercise (and even more energetic process reel) about a problem many creatives identify with. [Watch]
Finding a muse in his six-year-old daughter, Spanish mixed media specialist Antoni Sendra hand-paints 2,000 printed video frames to create a sweet and heartfelt ode to the magic of childhood and family in his short film “Joana”. [Watch]