Jo Goes Hunting Careful music video by Alice Saey | STASH MAGAZINE

Jo Goes Hunting “Careful” Music Video by Alice Saey

The dense, detailed, and somewhat delirious style of director/animator/designer Alice Saey (first seen in her promo for Shaking Godspeed’s “She’s Young”) provides a mesmerizing backdrop in this latest work for Jo Goes Hunting. [Watch]

The Silence Within gy Kevin Herrmann | STASH MAGAZINE

“The Silence Within” Short Film by Kevin Herrmann

Illustrator/animator Kevin Herrmann in Würzburg, Germany: “The perception of the world is a reflection of one’s mind. [Watch]

Bocuse Institute Naming campaign | STASH MAGAZINE

Institut Paul Bocuse Naming campaign by Cyril Calgaro

Art director and motion designer Cyril Calgaro in Lyon, France: “I created this video for a campaign to promote a naming campaign for the Institut Paul Bocuse in Lyon. [Watch]

Nike Kids Bra by Sophie Koko Gate | STASH MAGAZINE

Nike “Kids Bra” Online Film by Sophie Koko Gate

Blinkink director Sophie Koko Gate creates a soft and welcoming world to frame the voice of a Nike designer as she details the craft and care she and her team bring to their work on Nike’s bra for kids. [Watch]

Anxiety Empire Clip 01 by Newgold | STASH MAGAZINE

“Anxiety Empire Clip 01” by Alessandro Novelli

Director/designer Alessandro Novelli at Newgold in Barcelona: “We helped create different animated clips and loops for Anxiety Empire magazine’s 2020 Kickstarter campaign. [Watch]

Imaginary Horses by Imaginary Forces | STASH MAGAZINE

Imaginary Horses?

Inventive twists on the standard studio reel come along far, far too seldom. So when one of those twists arrive while also compressing the run time AND inducing a smile… well, that’s a good day. [Watch]