Brooklyn Brothers Castrol | STASH MAGAZINE

Pushing Castrol to the EDGE in “Virtual Drift”

Logan co-founder/director Ben Conrad leverages his work on automotive-insanity (like the last four Gymkhana films) into the virtual world with a riveting VR piece for Castrol EDGE via London agency The Brooklyn Brothers. [Watch]

Raoul Marks Semi-Permanent 2015 | STASH MAGAZINE

Behind the Scenes: 2015 Semi-Permanent Titles

Emmy Award-winning Melbourne designer Raoul Marks, most often found working with the Elastic crew and Patrick Clair, steps out on his own to create both the visuals and the audio to open the 2015 Semi-Permanent design conference with a sweeping and surreal film. [Watch]

Inspiration + Insight + Happy = Stash 111

One of our most diverse and striking issues to date, Stash 111 delivers wall-to-wall motion brilliance adding yet another 31 animation, VFX and motion design projects to the Stash Permanent Collection. [Watch]


Making LEGO’s “Adventure in the City”

Snappy and detailed look at the production of “Adventure in the City,” a crazy-ambitious stop motion mini-epic created for LEGO China from hundreds of thousands of real LEGO bricks (and a boy in a snake suit) by Dutch director/writer/animator Rogier Wieland and his intrepid crew thru AKQA Shanghai. [Watch]

Koodo Camp Jefferson | STASH MAGAZINE

Camp Jefferson: Koodo “Free refills”

If we leave aside the question of whether an “honest and fair” phone company is even a possibility, this new spot from the recent Koodo campaign thru new Toronto agency Camp Jefferson packs lots of bonkers multimedia into 30 seconds. [Watch]


Get Comfortable with the Vitra Mariposa Family

One definite way to keep the client happy with your spot is make sure their product dominates the screen at all times. Nexus director Jack Cunningham combines that very strategy (even if the couch is CG) with charming and minimalist hand-drawn character animation in this sunny, feel-good spot for Vitra created [Watch]