Posted on November 10, 2016
The team behind the emotional 2015 John Lewis holiday spot “Monty’s Christmas” (Blink director Dougal Wilson, MPC and agency adam&eveDDB) are back and while the tear-jerking factor is lower in “Buster The Boxer,” the story telling and VFX work remain exceptional. [Watch]
Posted on October 31, 2016
Join 35 STYLE FRAMES speakers plus an audience full of designers, directors, animators, ADs, CDs, ACDs, ECDs, producers and EPs, HOPs, VPs, SVPs, VFX artists/supervisors, educators, audio and interactive designers plus VR producers, from all sides of the creative industry. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, Broadcast Design, Business, CG, Character Animation, Events, Experiential, Feature Film, Featured, Games, Motion Design, VFX · Tags Stash, Style frames
Posted on October 20, 2016
The Aardman Nathan Love crew blow right past their regular 3D character animation parking space to join director Kris Merc in the pop-culture passing lane with this seizure-inducing torrent of multimedia disguised as the music video for Kool Keith X MF Doom ”Super Hero.” [Watch]
Posted on October 19, 2016
Julian Ticona Cuba, one half of the German creative team known as Noise (with Daniel Bartels) weaves sombre and mysterious visuals with the hypnotic poetry of UK wordsmith Johnny BANG Reilly in this director’s cut of “Nightfall” for Universal Music. [Watch]
Posted on October 11, 2016
Buckle up. French VFX vet Pierre Michel-Estival (who is now based in LA and repped by Digital Domain) just released “Prayer 9,” his spectacular short film and feature film proof of concept “set in the near future where reality is obsolete.” [Watch]
Posted on October 7, 2016
Join Roof Studio directors Guto Terni, Vinicius Costa, and Sam Mason on this lysergic jog through the tropical Costa Rican countryside in search of Australian electro duo Empire of the Sun performing their 80’s-flavored track “High and Low.” [Watch]