Botany short film by Alex Firstov | STASH MAGAZINE

“Botany” Short Film by Alex Firstov

Alex Firstov, motion designer and digital artist in Moscow: “Recently I was forced to stay at home and look after plants. In this project, I tried to convey the atmosphere and state of flowers at night in the moonlight.” [Watch]

"Letter to My Body" Animated Poem by Elyse Kelly and Joy Ladin | STASH MAGAZINE

“Letter to My Body” Animated Poem by Elyse Kelly and Joy Ladin

Director Elyse Kelly in Washington DC: “Earlier this year I was approached by The On Being Project to be a part of their animated poetry series. ‘Letter to My Body’ was written by Joy Ladin and is an intimate conversation between one’s true self and the body they’ve been given.” [Watch]

"Cycles" Short Film by | STASH MAGAZINE

“Cycles” Short Film by

Directors Magdalena Zalewska and Nikita Shestakov at in London: “‘Cycle’ is our very abstract take on plastic – from its organic origins to how it is slowly becoming a part of the natural cycle.” [Watch]

"Lost Places" Short Film by Fabian Aerts | STASH MAGAZINE

“Lost Places” Short Film by Fabian Aerts

Director/animator Fabian Aerts in Brussels: “Lost Places is a little series I worked on the last couple of weeks. The initial idea was to challenge myself in the creation of full CG environments. [Watch]

Freeze Frame short film by Serafima Serafimova | STASH MAGAZINE

“Freeze Frame” Short Film by Serafima Serafimova

Director, animator, and sound designer Serafima Serafimova in London: “The Winter Olympics played a big part in my childhood. It was always on the telly and I remember family time spent marveling at the athletes who, to this day, I still think of as superheroes. [Watch]

Mercury’s Retrograde short film by Zohar Dvir | STASH MAGAZINE

“Mercury’s Retrograde” Short Film by Zohar Dvir

Royal College of Art grad Zohar Dvir describes her student film Mercury’s Retrograde as “an inner dialogue about seeking answers, presented in a comic and lighthearted way, concealing a deeper tragic truth of our generation.” [Watch]