"Emergence" Short Film by Bryan Coleman and Nicolas Arnold | STASH MAGAZINE

“Emergence” Short Film by Bryan Coleman and Nicolas Arnold

Art director and motion designer Bryan Coleman in Denver, Colorado: “The project began three years ago while I was working through some creative ideas on a human form emerging, or being birthed, from liquid.” [Watch]

"Collector" Short Film by Cal Lomax | STASH MAGAZINE

“Collector” Short Film by Cal Lomax

3D artist and motion designer Cal Lomax in Scotland: “After submitting a proposal, this project was selected as the winner in the motion category for OFFF Academy’s seven-month Creative Mentorship, pairing young talent with industry-leading mentors. [Watch]

"A Family That Steals Dogs" Short Film by John C Kelley | STAS MAGAZINE

“A Family That Steals Dogs” Short Film by John C Kelley

Director/animator John Christopher Kelley in Knoxville, Tennesse: “Strange experiences and realizations lead a grieving artist to reconsider his identity and beliefs in this meditation on loss, family and mental illness.” [Watch]

"Ziemia / Soil" Ambient Art Film by Zuzanna Kolodziej | STASH MAGAZINE

“Ziemia / Soil” Ambient Art Film by Zuzanna Kolodziej

3D artist and motion designer Zuzanna Kołodziej in Gdynia, Poland: “In Polish, the word describing soil (ziemia) is synonymous to ‘Earth’, which I think is a meaningful coincidence. [Watch]

Stash 147 Preview Trailer | STASH MAGAZINE
"Skateboarding is Not a Crime" Micro Short Film by FEVR | STASH MAGAZINE

“Skateboarding is Not a Crime” Micro Short Film by FEVR

FEVR design and animation studio in NYC and LA: “We’re all familiar with the ‘Skateboarding Forbidden’ sign, but is it really considered a crime? The answer is NO.” [Watch]