Beware the Greens at Rumpus Animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Beware the “Greens” at Rumpus Animation

From the crew at Rumpus Animation in Bristol, UK: “Over the last couple of years a few members of the Rumpus Team have, slowly but surely, been squirreling away on their very own company idents.” [Watch]

Stash 154 preview | STASH MAGAZINE
Lilith and Eve Short Film by Samuel de Ceccatty | STASH MAGAZINE

“Lilith & Eve” Short Film by Samuel de Ceccatty

Meeting your partner’s ex is seldom easy and as UK director/animator/designer Samuel de Ceccatty points out, that goes double for Eve when Adam’s first wife Lilith happens into the garden for a little catch-up. [Watch]

Andre de Almeida Catisfaction Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Andre de Almeida Can’t Get No “Catisfaction”

Director/animator Andre de Almeida in Lisbon, Portugal: “This is a story about a man and a cat. No sorry… A man, a cat, and a dream. Wait… probably a man, a cat, a dream, and a Vespa!” [Watch]

The Unfair Sex Short Film Serafima Serafimova | STASH MAGAZINE

“The Unfair Sex” Short Film by Serafima Serafimova

Director/animator Serafima Serafimova in London: “Women live with outdated, binary societal pressures, dictating the way we look, where we go, and even how we procreate.” [Watch]

Passage-Short-Film-by-Polyester | STASH MAGAZINE

Polyester Peeks Into the “Passage” With New Short Film

Polyester Studio in Toronto just dropped their latest in-house short film called Passage, a surreal mix of cel and 3D animation they describe as “a man’s journey inward as he strives for peace in the moments after death.” [Watch]