Posted on November 14, 2022
The latest issue of Stash just hit the Permanent Collection with a whole new crop of inspired design, animation, and VFX work. Sneak a peek at the new two-minute trailer to see which work made the cut. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, Animation, Brand film, Broadcast Design, BTS, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Explainer, Featured, Games, Illustration, Machine Learning, Motion Capture, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, Titles · Tags 2veinte, AIM Studios, Antibody, BOL, Bolder Creative, Builders Club, Colossal, David Pagaille, Dead Pixel, Elastic, Fabrice Le Nezet, Flavor, Frame, Friends Electric, Hornet, Imaginary Forces, Jeff Han, Jorik Dozy, Julian Frost, Karin Fong, Laen Sanches, Manor, Megaforce, Michael Thurmeier, Nando Costa, Nata Metlukh, Optical Arts, Passion Paris, Pleid St., Psyop, Rainfall Films, Riccardo Fusetti, RUFFMERCY, Sam Balcomb, Shane Griffin, Sil van der Woerd, Simon Russell, Someform, SOMEI, Studio Birthplace, The Mill, The Youth, Tomorrow Bureau, Unlisted, XK Studio, Yves Geleyn, Zachary Corzine
Posted on November 13, 2022
The irreverence and audacity of Adult Swim’s Smalls short films serve up the perfect pallet cleanser between commercial projects with Mike Anderson’s 10-minute epic “Hot Future” providing the latest proof. [Watch]
Posted on November 8, 2022
In their latest in-house CG study, the design and animation crew at Panoply in London investigate the psychological condition known as derealization, which involves feelings of detachment from one’s self and surroundings. [Watch]
Posted on November 8, 2022
In his two-part Flowless series of short CG films, Florida-based director/animator Alex Maltsev takes a meditative look at “the collision of surface and light as it changes angle and speed.” [Watch]
Posted on November 8, 2022
From the National Film Board of Canada: “In the voiceover for this animated short, a young woman attempts to describe herself, casting her life in the ideal light that society expects. “The film’s imagery, however, tells a different story, poignantly illustrating the intense anxiety that comes with the quest for perfection and the pursuit of […] [Watch]
Posted on November 3, 2022
Directors Artem Shcherbakov and Otar Berov rally an international crew of artists and animators to rescue a failed commercial pitch and transform it into a genre-hopping tale of standing up to your greatest fears. [Watch]