Procedural-Light-Short-Film-by-Make | STASH MAGAZINE

Make Explores “Procedural Light” in New Short Film

Director Danny Robashkin at Make in Minneapolis: “Procedural Light is an in-depth exploration of the sculptural quality of light, in the materials that generate, capture or reflect light and the unique gestures they create.” [Watch]

Matt Partridge Best Day Ever short film Giphy | STASH MAGAZINE

Matt Partridge Documents His “Best Day Ever” for Giphy

Director/animator/designer Matt Partridge in London: “I was commissioned by Giphy to create a 30-second clip. My film is about those simple childhood memories that ensured you had the BEST DAY EVER.” [Watch]

Short film Motion Project Rescued From Production Limbo | STASH MAGAZINE

Another Motion Project Rescued From Production Limbo

Gabriele Calvi, graphic and motion designer in Milan, Italy: “This short film started as a client project but never saw the light of the day. We loved it so much that we kept the original team onboard and ended up with a fun little high-energy 2D character piece.” [Watch]

Shed Joyeuses Fetes Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Shed Capture the Magic of Holiday Giving with “Joyeuses Fêtes” Short Film

The animation team at Shed in Montreal, whose 2020 IGA holiday spot caused many a tear, capture the magic of giving with this sweet stop-motion-style CG project directed by François Hogue about a boy and his teddy bear with a missing ear. [Watch]


Best of Stash 2022: Short Films!

Untethered from client briefs and budgets, short films provide a welcome refuge for self-expression and bold experimentation with 2022 delivering an extraordinary variety of fresh work from both students and pros. [Watch]

Platige Image Christmas Film 2022 | STASH MAGAZINE

Platige Harnesses Unreal Engine for Space-Bound Christmas Short

Following on their epic 2022 Easter short film, director Damian Misiura and crew at Platige Image in Warsaw return to space (and the Unreal Engine pipeline) for this feel-good Christmas adventure. [Watch]