Irish animator Max Halley (currently working at Giant Ant in Vancouver) recruits a straight-talking chicken to reveal the deep-rooted psychological source of your perpetual and overwhelming need for other people’s approval. [Watch]
A full-on jolt of visual caffeine, Stash 117 adds another 31 stellar video projects to the Stash Permanent Collection – the planet’s largest online archive of design, animation and VFX, plus behind-the-scenes features and exclusive interviews. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Featured, Games, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, Stop Motion, Student Work, VFX · Tags Stash
UK sound designer Simon Pyke’s ongoing 30 Seconds project (challenging filmmakers to freely interpret a supplied audio clip) causes three directors from PostPanic in Amsterdam to abandon any sense of impropriety in what the studio calls “an x-rated cocktail of cell animation, stop motion, motion graphics and a lot of genitalia.” [Watch]
If you’re having a rough day or just feeling very alone on the planet for whatever reason, take six minutes now and watch “Fired on Mars.” [Watch]
Wonderful mixed-media stop motion character animation from Manchester director/animator Steve Boot called “Once Upon a Blue Moon,” and a fave on the international film fest circuit. [Watch]
The bumper crop of student films from the 2016 CalArts Character Animation program includes “You Look Scary” by Xiya Lan and “Desert Critters” by Li Wen Toh – both demonstrate outstanding storytelling talents while using fully divergent styles, techniques and narrative structures. [Watch]