Tendril for Canada’s Together Project

Written and directed by Julia Deakin and with creative consultation by our good friend Kurt Mills (of Goodby), this film perfectly encapsulates the objectives of Together Project [Watch]


“Stop making the same shi# over and over again”

New Buenos Aires studio Buda says they created this jovial looping anatomical metaphor called “Glitter” in the hope that creatives everywhere might “stop making the same shit over and over again.” [Watch]

Cub studio_Love @ First Swipe | STASH MAGAZINE

True Story of Fraser Davidson’s “Love @ First Swipe”

Fraser Davidson, co-founder at Cub Studio in London, shares the impossibly charming/sweet/romantic story of meeting, wooing, and sharing life with his diminutive, hungry, and holiday-obsessed wife Vicky. [Watch]

Polish History The Unconquered | STASH MAGAZINE

Poland Remembers “The Unconquered”

Commissioned by the Polish Institute of National Remembrance, “The Unconquered” tells the heroic and little-known story of Poland’s 50-year struggle for independence after invasions by the Nazis and Soviet Russia in 1939. [Watch]

Foo Fighters Concrete and Gold | STASH MAGAZINE

Dave Grohl Reveals the Story Behind “Concrete and Gold”

The twisted tale of how the new Foo Fighters album “Concrete and Gold” came to be – as told by Dave Grohl and enhanced by the animation talents at Visual Creatures in LA. [Watch]

three colors fail short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Andrei Staruiala “Three Colours Fail”

New animated treat from Edinburgh’s very own Romanian-born director/designer Andrei Staruiala who brought us the various charms of “Scottish Sayings” earlier this year. [Watch]