“Darrel” by Marc Briones and Alan Carabantes
“Darrel,” the animated black comedy short by Spanish co-directors Marc Briones and Alan Carabantes, chronicles the ill-fated flirtations of two luckless chameleons waiting for the subway. [Watch]
“Darrel,” the animated black comedy short by Spanish co-directors Marc Briones and Alan Carabantes, chronicles the ill-fated flirtations of two luckless chameleons waiting for the subway. [Watch]
Discover the deeper meanings of young love, meatballs, and the danger of open flames at dinner in “Grandma’s Spaghetti,” a raving piece of CG madness directed Roy Nieterau and Danny Vos at Dutch 3D animation studio Colorbleed. [Watch]
Matt Greenwood, animator, motion designer, and creative director at Nice Shoes in Toronto on his new personal project debuted at Pictoplasma 2018: “I made Final_Final with no script or planning. Each day I picked up where I left off and it evolved into a cast of shiny characters.” [Watch]
Director/animator Alex Grigg interprets the words of comedian and The Daily Show host Trevor Noah into an intriguing Cubist-flavored film for WeTransfer’s WePresent series.
Connie Van, a Brooklyn-based freelancer specializing in design and illustration for animation and motion, has some advice for catcallers. [Watch]
If Hikari Toriumi’s poignant 4th year Calarts film “Polaris” (about a young polar bear leaving home for the first time ) doesn’t make you tear up, seek help. [Watch]