The Biggs Breech Delivery | STASH MAGAZINE

Daniel Bruson: The Biggs “Breech Delivery”

Sao Paulo designer/director Daniel Bruson, who directed the powerful NSPCC “Pete’s Story” spot last year, changes gears completely in this frenetic Basquiat-flavored video for Brazilian power punk trio The Biggs. [Watch]

Blood Road Nicholas Schrunk| STASH MAGAZINE

The Graphic Story of “Blood Road”

A powerful compilation of the meticulous and ultimately respectful graphics created for Nicholas Schrunk’s feature doc “Blood Road,” including the opening titles and narrative assets. [Watch]

Noma Bar’s “Biker” Tongue Twister for Mercedes-Benz

Buenos Aires motion studio Ale Pixel translates UK designer/director Noma Bar’s striking use of negative space and graphic metaphor into the first in an animated series highlighting smart safety systems in Mercedes-Benz vehicles. [Watch]

Daniel Kessler Interpol Primavera | STASH MAGAZINE

Daniel Kessler’s Favourite Music Memories

The formative musical memories of Interpol lead guitarist Daniel Kessler come to life in a dark and stormy palette via the talents of Nice Shit studio in Barcelona – the latest in a series of shorts for the Primavera Sound festival. [Watch]

Gilbert baker typeface | STASH MAGAZINE

Animated “Gilbert” Typeface Honors Rainbow Flag Creator

To honor the memory of Gilbert Baker, LGBTQ activist, and creator of the now iconic Rainbow Flag, NewFest and NYC Pride partnered with Fontself and Animography to create a free (and free-spirited) animated typeface. [Watch]

Motion Makes a Masochist | STASH MAGAZINE

Motion Makes a Masochist

Watching this sardonic exposé of the many perils of a career in the motion arts, I assumed the director was a grizzled industry veteran. Alas no, “Motion Makes a Masochist” is Dev Joshi’s graduation film. [Watch]