Pixelar animated type face| STASH MAGAZINE

Pixelar Animated Typeface

Pixelar is a modular animated pixel typeface. The characters are constructed from 50 unique animated squares. These animated squares can also be used to construct your own typography, pixel-art or transitions. [Watch]

H5: Dior 50 Years Eau Sauvage Director’s Cut

Sleek compositions and fluid transitions rendered in a minimal palette drawn from France’s Tricolor flag distinguish H5’s online video animated at Studio Wanda in Paris for Dior’s Eau Sauvage men’s fragrance first introduced in 1966. [Watch]

Fearless Netflix | STASH MAGAZINE

Opening Titles: Netflix Doc Series “Fearless”

Dark and painterly vignettes from Mill+ open director Michael John Warren’s new Netflix doc series ‘Fearless’ which takes viewers deep into Brazilian bull riding culture and tracks the riders on their quest from Sao Paulo to the world championships in Las Vegas. [Watch]

Jessica Jones Vinyl Hell on Wheels | STASH MAGAZINE

Behind the Scenes at Imaginary Forces

Imaginary Forces offers a peek into the process and passion behind three of their top-of-the-food-chain broadcast title projects. [Watch]

Ariel Costa Green Day Bang Bang | STASH MAGAZINE

Ariel Costa: Green Day “Bang Bang”

In direct contrast to his restrained and tasteful short film “Sins,” Los Angeles director, designer, animator Ariel Costa amps up his signature collage kinetics into a rough-and-ready promo for Green Day’s newest called “Bang Bang.” [Watch]

DixonBaxi Broadcast Design| STASH MAGAZINE

DixonBaxi Takes on the Premier League

London motion mavens DixonBaxi rethink how the Premier League connects with its two billion football fans, constructing a striking and expansive new broadcast packaging including show titles, in-match graphics, augmented-reality, touch-screen, studio graphics, and soundtrack. [Watch]