CNN Colorscope Pink | STASH MAGAZINE

Giant Ant Explores Pink for CNN Colorscope

From Giant Ant in Vancouver: “We love CNN’s Colorscope series, and were very excited to be asked to contribute. Here is everything you ever wanted to know about pink, but were afraid to ask.” [Watch]


Babusjka Animate Hans Christian Øren’s OSLO Typeface for Nike

Babusjka Animate Hans Christian Øren’s OSLO Typeface for Nike [Watch]

Pale Blue Dot animated short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Ringling College Meets Carl Sagan at “The Pale Blue Dot”

Sophomore level animation students at Ringling College of Art and Design (class of 2020) team up to “pay tribute to Carl Sagan and spread a message of positivity in such divisive times.” [Watch]

SmartHeart_Manifesto | STASH MAGAZINE

The Charisma® Manifesto by (and for) Russian Agency SmartHeart®

The Charisma® Manifesto by Russian Agency SmartHeart® | STASH MAGAZINE [Watch]

Enervee Marketplace | STASH MAGAZINE

Enervee Marketplace Explainer by Animagic Studios

From Animagic Studios: “Enervee is an online tool to help people make energy-smart buying decisions. We believe this is a great idea, with an awesome purpose. [Watch]

Hornet Intel hype | STASH MAGAZINE

Ege Soyuer Looks at Both Sides of “Hype” for Intel

The Good and Bad of “Hype” by Ege Soyuer for Intel | STASH MAGAZINE [Watch]