Hello Savants Eatruscan Explainer video | STASH MAGAZINE

Explaining the Health Benefits of Cannabis

The first in a series of explainers from Amsterdam creative collective Hello Savants for Eatruscan, an Italian agricultural initiative focused on the processing of cannabis derivatives for the food and pharmaceutical markets. [Watch]

Superestudio TFX rebrand IDs | STASH MAGAZINE

Superestudio Rebrands TFX

Ezequiel Rormoser, creative director at Superestudio in Buenos Aires: “This is a sizzle reel gathering 20 IDs we did for the TFX rebrand, a channel for French millennials. [Watch]


Offset 2018 Title Sequence by MPC

Working independent of each other, six creative directors from various MPC offices around the globe tackle the main title sequence of Offset in Dublin, ambitious typography ensues. [Watch]

128_Post main PIC | STASH MAGAZINE
Coat of Arms SXSW 2018 Film Festival motion design | STASH MAGAZINE

2018 SXSW Film Festival – 25 Years of Film

Co-directors Clara Lehmann and Jonathan Lacocque at Coat of Arms help the SXSW Film Festival celebrate 25 years with “a special title sequence to celebrate the occasion.” [Watch]

HUSH Creates the “Giving Tree” in Grand Central for Chobani

Chobani celebrated their 10th year in business with this interactive installation created by Brooklyn creative innovators HUSH inside New York’s Grand Central Station. [Watch]