Coat of Arms for WebMD: “Tales From the Night Shift”
From Coat of Arms: “This is a true testimony by Alexis Chandler. An EMT Paramedic in Doddridge County, West Virginia.” [Watch]
From Coat of Arms: “This is a true testimony by Alexis Chandler. An EMT Paramedic in Doddridge County, West Virginia.” [Watch]
Paris motion designer Matthieu Braccini recently created 15 tasty GIFs to promote Mcdonalds’ Egg McMuffin for TBWA then assembled all his visual experiments for the project into the planet’s most poetic interpretation of a breakfast sandwich. [Watch]
WeCanMake creative director Ben Collier-Marsh just released the third piece in the rich and enigmatic triptych of music videos he began in 2017 for London based musician Sami Fitz. [Watch]
Creative director Danny Yount at Prodigal Pictures in Los Angeles opens the new Epix series “Pennyworth” (the origin story of Batman’s butler Alfred) with a dark and disorienting sequence of scenes that nods to 60’s title design. [Watch]
Animator/illustrator Yorgos Karagiorgos (aka Yokanima) in Berlin: “This is a pair of animations I made for the Ministry of Economy and Development in Greece (ESPA). [Watch]
From directors Alex Topaller and Daniel Shapiro at Aggresive: “For ‘AI on Intel’ we told five real stories of Intel’s technology in action – from stopping poaching in Africa to powering the world’s first face-controlled wheelchair, in each film we combined tech-inspired CG with cinematic live-action.” [Watch]