ManvsMachine vs ESPN Monday Night Football
From ManvsMachine: “We worked closely with ESPN to create a new brand identity and creative direction for NFL on ESPN. [Watch]
From ManvsMachine: “We worked closely with ESPN to create a new brand identity and creative direction for NFL on ESPN. [Watch]
Director Andrew Vucko: “Why is the creative act so at the core of being human? And how does something come from nothing? [Watch]
CDs Milton Gonzalez, Valeria Moreiro, and their NotReal motion crew in Buenos Aires help escalate the enterprise cloud computing wars with this snappy and confident volley for IBM’s offering. [Watch]
Creative director Gareth O’Brien and the Buck crew build a compelling case for the power of Google’s Cloud services by turning a client testimonial and dry facts into an abstracted and surprisingly emotional brand film. [Watch]
Here’s your inspiration break for the day: a two-minute preview of STASH 137 – the latest compilation of 31 energizing motion design, animation, and VFX projects inducted into the Stash Permanent Collection. [Watch]
A recent graduate of the Royal College of Art in London, Daniel Stankler applies his frame by frame technique and bold animation style to explore the love/sex dichotomy in modern relationships for The School Of Life. [Watch]