Renault The Painting by Bruno Aveillan Quad The Mill | STASH MAGAZINE

Bruno Aveillan and The Mill Paris Stage a Revolution for Renault in “The Painting”

The VFX team at The Mill Paris and Quad director Bruno Aveillan wrangle point clouds and particle animation into a dreamy trip through revolutionary moments in French history and art for Renault thru agency Publicis Conseil. [Watch]

Apple Watch Series 9 product films by MinimalChat | STASH MAGAZINE

MinimalChat Maximizes the Appeal of Apple Watch Series 9

CD/founders Bel R. Tarducci and Seba Morales at Argentine studio MinimalChat, whose resplendent Ray-Ban spot we included in Stash 164, return with two austere and elegant product films for the Apple Watch Series 9. [Watch]

Nike Art of Victory Installation Centre Pompidou Paris Builders Club | STASH MAGAZINE

Builders Club and Nike Splash the “Art of Victory” Across the Centre Pompidou in Paris

Taking over the full 540-foot length of Paris cultural hub Centre Pompidou, the crew at London’s Builders Club erects an unmissable motion mural celebrating the “Art of Victory” as part of Nike’s 2024 Olympic campaign. [Watch]

ETC Stash Motion Profile | STASH MAGAZINE

Stash Motion>Profiles Visits Electric Theatre Collective

The second in our series of Motion>Profiles takes you into the fast-growing London studio Electric Theatre Collective. While best known as a VFX powerhouse, ETC’s talents also extend to motion design and animation. [Watch]

TED-ed The effects of outer space on the human body Henrique Barone | STASH MAGAZINE

Henrique Barone Explores the Dangers of Venturing into Space for TED-Ed

Vancouver-based director/animator Henrique Barone, whose directing work and many collaborations we track here, leverages a lighthearted tone and a flurry of design styles to keep interest levels high in this TED-ed explainer. [Watch]

CRCR Rev Up SuperPowers for Valorant Champions 2024

In their latest work for Riot Games’ Valorant franchise, Wizz directing collective CRCR extends their talents for innovative animated action while transforming a dozen esport players into K-pop stars. [Watch]