In 2016, with his Emmy for Main Title Design on The Man In The High Castle in hand, Patrick Clair set out to redefine what hi-tech horror felt like with his opening for Westworld on HBO. This fourth iteration mixes familiar imagery from past seasons with stark new themes and symbols. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Animation, Broadcast Design, CG, Featured, Motion Design, Titles · Tags Antibody, HBO, Patrick Clair, Scott Geersen, Westworld
Hussain Almossawi, founder/director at Mossawi Studios in Brooklyn, NY: “In this collaboration with Intel, we created a short art film that visually evokes different emotions and feelings through motion, sound, color, and form.” [Watch]
Director Jacob Kurek and the design and animation team at BluBlu craft a prismatic explainer for Natural Atlas, an interactive app designed to connect users with nature and a community of fellow naturalists. [Watch]
The South by Southwest Festival announces its first international edition will go live in Sydney in October 2023 with this multi-technique animated film by hometown directors Danny Stern and Jonathan Pui thru Present Company. [Watch]
Category Animation, Brand film, CG, Character Animation, Featured, Motion Design · Tags Cheekbone, Danny Stern, Jonathan Pui, Present Company, SXSW, SXSW Sydney
UK Motion designer Abraham E.: “With a greater focus on visual storytelling, I revisited one of my favorite videos on the realities of the creative journey, narrated by creative director Matthew Encina and produced by online education platform The Futur.” [Watch]
In their latest motion work for Portland-based nonprofit BibleProject, creative director Jorge R. Canedo E. and his team at Ordinary Folk craft a swirling, painterly, and approachable look at dichotomies in Christian scripture. [Watch]