Posted on October 31, 2016
Join 35 STYLE FRAMES speakers plus an audience full of designers, directors, animators, ADs, CDs, ACDs, ECDs, producers and EPs, HOPs, VPs, SVPs, VFX artists/supervisors, educators, audio and interactive designers plus VR producers, from all sides of the creative industry. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, Broadcast Design, Business, CG, Character Animation, Events, Experiential, Feature Film, Featured, Games, Motion Design, VFX · Tags Stash, Style frames
Posted on August 30, 2016
Like vinyl records, stop-motion animation refuses to be replaced by more practical and efficient digital alternatives. Join UK filmmaker Vugar Efendi on his tour back thru 39 films and 116 years of hand-crafted frame-by-frame magic.
Posted on October 27, 2015
Like old master paintings, Guillermo Del Toro’s films use a lexicon of symbols to convey subtext and back story. And so it is with this richly detailed, all-CG title sequence from his new feature Crimson Peak, created by the all-Toronto team of IAMSTATIC and Topix. [Watch]
Posted on October 20, 2015
Brilliant concept and exacting execution from director Carl Addy and the Mill+ crew in response to an open brief from the British Film Institute to create a fund-raising film for its mission to preserve and restore the national film archive. [Watch]
Posted on October 9, 2015
4creative, the in-house creative agency for all Channel 4’s brands, just posted a series of riveting and insightful compilations from the broadcaster’s excellent Self Portraits series featuring interviews with top directors and actors revealing their influences and favorite filmmaking moments. [Watch]
Just when you thought mainstream hand-drawn animated features had died completely, director Sergio Pablos releases this stunning teaser for “Klaus.” Currently in development thru his SPA Studios in Madrid, the film promises bold and innovative lighting choices, beat-perfect story telling and extraordinary character work. [Watch]