The Great Hack title sequence by Ash Thorp | STASH MAGAZINE

“The Great Hack” Opening Titles by Ash Thorp

In his titles for the new Netflix doc “The Great Hack,” director/designer Ash Thorp asks “How do you show data being bought, sold, and weaponized in an artful and meaningful way? [Watch]

Aquaman Main on End Titles by Filmograph | STASH MAGAZINE

“Aquaman” Main on End Title Sequence

Creative directors Aaron Becker and Simon Clowes at Los Angeles prodco Filmograph crafted this richly detailed sequence of sculptural tableaux to close director James Wan’s first venture into the DC Universe. [Watch]

Best of Stash 2018 Title Design | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2018: Title Design

Setting the tone and creating anticipation for a live event, feature film, or television series is both an enormous responsibility and a cherished creative opportunity. Here’s seven title sequences that rose above and beyond in 2018. [Watch]

“Ant-Man and the Wasp” Main-on-End Titles by Elastic

Elastic: “At long last, Elastic is thrilled to share the Main on End for Marvel’s Ant-Man and The Wasp, from creative director Andy Hall and the team. [Watch]

Deadpool 2 main titles John Likens | STASH MAGAZINE

Director John Likens on “Deadpool 2” Opening Titles

NY director/designer John Likens (who just won the 2018 Emmy Award for Outstanding Graphic Design and Art Direction for his work on the doc “Blood Road”) reveals how his CG title sequence for “Deadpool 2” came together at Method Studios. [Watch]

Brad Bird animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Insight: Brad Bird on Animation

Inspiring and surprisingly emotional compilation of thoughts and rants from writer/director Brad Bird (‘The Iron Giant’, ‘The Incredibles,’ ‘Ratatouille’) on his creative process and why animation is not a genre – assembled by Kees van Dijkhuizen Jr., a young film editor from the Netherlands. [Watch]