Opportunity Knocks | STASH MAGAZINE

Monster on a Mission: “Opportunity Roars”

Jerk bosses meet your nemesis, the towering purple-haired monster created by MJZ director Matthijs van Heijningen and The Mill’s New York VFX crew thru agency KBS for [Watch]

Cub studio_Love @ First Swipe | STASH MAGAZINE

True Story of Fraser Davidson’s “Love @ First Swipe”

Fraser Davidson, co-founder at Cub Studio in London, shares the impossibly charming/sweet/romantic story of meeting, wooing, and sharing life with his diminutive, hungry, and holiday-obsessed wife Vicky. [Watch]

Polish History The Unconquered | STASH MAGAZINE

Poland Remembers “The Unconquered”

Commissioned by the Polish Institute of National Remembrance, “The Unconquered” tells the heroic and little-known story of Poland’s 50-year struggle for independence after invasions by the Nazis and Soviet Russia in 1939. [Watch]

Foo Fighters Concrete and Gold | STASH MAGAZINE

Dave Grohl Reveals the Story Behind “Concrete and Gold”

The twisted tale of how the new Foo Fighters album “Concrete and Gold” came to be – as told by Dave Grohl and enhanced by the animation talents at Visual Creatures in LA. [Watch]


Alex Grigg and Steve Stout Bring “Dear B.I.G” to Life

Blinkink director Alex Grigg wraps the heartfelt words of Interscope executive Steve Stout in a stark and restrained power in this promo for the Biography Channel documentary ‘Biggie: The Life of Notorious B.I.G’. [Watch]

three colors fail short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Andrei Staruiala “Three Colours Fail”

New animated treat from Edinburgh’s very own Romanian-born director/designer Andrei Staruiala who brought us the various charms of “Scottish Sayings” earlier this year. [Watch]