Moodles short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Unwinding with Ari Weinkle’s “Moodles”

Boston artist/designer Ari Weinkle describes “Moodles,” his latest abstract 3D experiment, as “a short animation based on the effects of negative emotions on one’s self.” [Watch]

Lore They Made a Tonic | STASH MAGAZINE

Jordan Bruner: Lore “They Made a Tonic”

Jordan Bruner: “We made this spooky animation for the first season of the new Lore TV show on Amazon. I’m a long time fan of Aaron Mahnke’s podcast so I was obviously very excited to work on the show!” [Watch]

Waiting Fertility Network UK | STASH MAGAZINE

Form Play Studio: Fertility Network UK “Waiting”

With one in six couples affected by infertility, UK charity Fertility Network “encourages people to share their experiences, thereby raising awareness, breaking taboos and shattering myths about being unable to have a baby.” [Watch]

Cabrioni Cookies | STASH MAGAZINE

Behind the Scenes with Yves Geleyn for Cabrioni Cookies

The story of a man, his bird and the quest for perfect cookies as imagined by Hornet director Yves Geleyn and illustrator Peter de Sève for Italian food brand Cabrioni. [Watch]

Candyyyland animation jam | STASH MAGAZINE

“CANDYYYLAND” Animation Jam

For sheer inspiration, it’s hard to beat exquisite corpse and ani-jam projects for the number of ideas and styles per minute – and this new stream of chaos from a team of 30 animators (powered by “CANDYYYLAND” by Tofubeats feat. LIZ) is no exception. [Watch]


First Look at 2ndMilk

Nice, understated motion work for 2ndMilk, a non-profit organization committed to saving the lives of malnourished and orphaned infants in Africa and around the globe. [Watch]