Emilio Yerba You are not the strongest | STASH MAGAZINE

Watch Emilio Yebra’s Surprising Animated Short “You are Not the Strongest”

This animated film, a festival favorite by Spanish animator Emilio Yebra called “You are Not the Strongest,” involves a hunter and his prey’s unexpected revenge. [Watch]


ACLU “Johnny’s Home” by Elyse Kelly

Washington DC director/animator Elyse Kelly, whose rousing “Fired Up” was one of my favorite animated shorts of 2017, creates another emotionally charged film with this work for the ACLU’s Campaign for Smart Justice. [Watch]

Clash Royale Magic Archer | STASH MAGAZINE

Golden Wolf Intro’s The Magic Archer for Clash Royale

The mysterious master of magical archery is here. Is he a wizard? No one quite knows. Gold Wolf’s latest for Supercell’s Clash Royale! [Watch]

JD.com Joy and Heron | STASH MAGAZINE

Kyra & Constantin Craft a Little Joy for JD.com

Joy, the canine mascot for China’s largest retailer, does battle with a persistent mother heron in this sweet brand film directed with obvious affection by Kyra & Constantin at Passion Animation for JD.com thru 180.ai. [Watch]

League of Legends Hunt | STASH MAGAZINE

Axis Animation Adds Style to League of Legends: Hunt

You don’t have to play Riot’s insanely popular online battle franchise League of Legends (or any other e-game) to appreciate the atmospheric mix of visual influences Axis Animation brings to this 3D cinematic. [Watch]

Chickens animated short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Valentine’s Treat for Those Trapped in the Friendzone

In their playful animated short “Chickens,” UK director George Wu and Taiwan illustrator Meng-Chia Lai capture the singular awkwardness of unrequited love most of us will feel at least once in life. [Watch]