Director Paulo Garcia and São Paulo animation house Zombie target your heartstrings in this animated story of the challenges faced by a child and her family while fighting cancer “showing there’s no better treatment than love.” [Watch]
First year CalArts Character Animation student Chalky Wong combines prodigious drafting skills, an organic feel for visual storytelling, plus careful attention to the emotional quotient of his characters. [Watch]
The first VR and 360 interactive Google doodle celebrates filmmaking pioneer and VFX innovator Georges Méliès. The project was co-directed by Fx Goby at Nexus Studios and Hélène Leroux at Google. [Watch]
Watch all six installments of Modern Philosophy, a sharp and super-digestible mini series produced by LA entertainment whirlwind Super Deluxe with design and direction by Studio AKA director Eamonn O’Neill. [Watch]
Art&Graft are back with a second helping of well-crafted character silliness for UK mobile provider SMARTY thru Wieden+Kennedy, London. [Watch]
Celebrated documentarian Errol Morris and The Mill VFX crew work with forensic artists to recreate two young men who wonder what their lives would be like today – if they hadn’t been killed in distracted driving accidents. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, CG, Character Animation, Featured, photoreal, VFX · Tags AT&T, BBDO, Biscuit Filmworks, Errol Morris, The Mill