OII Europe I am Intersex antimatter explainer | STASH MAGAZINE

“I am Intersex” (Director’s Cut) by Antimatter

Antimatter motion design studio in Milan: “Talking about gender topics has never been easy. It is an intricate issue as it implies several biological and cultural aspects and is often surrounded by ideological preconceptions. [Watch]

Penny “Christmas Doesn’t Need Much, Only Love”

Glassworks Amsterdam combines 3D characters and practical miniatures with a delicate cover of Elton John’s “Your Song” in this emotional spot, the centerpiece of a campaign for German discount supermarket chain Penny. [Watch]

Island short animated film Robert Löbel & Max Mörtl | STASH MAGAZINE

“Island” Animated Short by Max Mörtl and Robert Löbel

German director/animators Max Mörtl and Robert Löbel combined forces and enjoyed wide success on the festival circuit with this quirky and charming stop-motion and 2D short film called “Island.” [Watch]

Best of Stash 2018 Brand films | STASH MAGAZINE

The Best of Stash 2018: Brand Films

As these 10 projects demonstrate, 2018 was an exceptional year for marketing films not intended for broadcast TV. The budget, talent, and tools may vary but the ambitious engagement and emotional goals do not. [Watch]

Best of Stash 2018 Short films | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2018: Short Films

The creative challenge and promise of the self-imposed brief makes the short film a treasured opportunity for both professionals taking a break from client work and students trying to launch careers with the perfect graduation project. [Watch]

Best of Stash 2018 Music videos | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2018: Music Videos

Outside the music mainstream, a rich ecosystem of independent artists and filmmakers collaborate to create an array of fun and fresh visual surprises. Stash makes a point of hunting down and collecting the most intriguing of these. [Watch]