CCTV Kids Rebrand by Art&Graft and Final Frontier | STASH MAGAZINE

CCTV Kids Rebrand by Art&Graft and Final Frontier

In a rare example of a Chinese broadcaster working with international creatives on a rebrand, London’s Art&Graft launch a complete make-over for the kids’ channel of China’s national broadcaster CCTV thru Shanghai prodco Final Frontier. [Watch]

Flytoget Teddy Bear | STASH MAGAZINE

Harald Zwart and Gimpville Rescue a Forgotten Teddy Bear

Oslo VFX veterans Gimpville stuff a full range of emotions into the plush star of this spot for airport express train service Flytoget, directed by Harald Zwart at Motion Blur for Norwegian agency Anorak. [Watch]

YONA short film by Gautier Alfirevic and Kevin Rose | STASH MAGAZINE

“YONA” Animated Short by Gautier Alfirevic and Kevin Rose

After meeting at Ecole Emile Cohl in Lyon, animators Gautier Alfirevic and Kevin Rose were invited into the Suparesidency Program at Supamonks in Paris where they directed one of the most visual and visceral short films you’ll see this year. [Watch]

Google - Digital Wellbeing 2019 explainer | STASH MAGAZINE

Google “Digital Wellbeing 2019” Explainer by Jack Cunningham

Jack Cunningham: “To launch Google’s new Digital Wellbeing platform I’ve teamed up with Google Creative Labs and produced a short film to kick it all off.” [Watch]

Chobani Impact by Lobo | STASH MAGAZINE

Lobo Creates a Peaceful Journey for Chobani

Lobo’s latest work for American yogurt maker Chobani is a warm and earthy 2D film leveraging the brand identity of hand-drawn illustrations to create “a peaceful journey that shows how giving is the first step towards collective well-being.” [Watch]

Bless You! short film by Paulina Ziolkowska | STASH MAGAZINE

Paulina Ziolkowska’s Ode to Sneezing: “Bless You!”

The act of spraying germs on your fellow humans becomes far more fun and artful than you thought possible in this film directed by Paulina Ziolkowska during her studies at The Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School. [Watch]