In their latest in-house animated short film, director/designer Eric Edwards and Seattle prodco The New Blank drop a mischievous two-minute jab at the shortcomings of AI and the “commoditization of ideas and creativity”. [Watch]
London studio Dog & Rabbit (aka Andrew Kelleher and Dave Anderson) mix stop-motion, live-action, and AI with traditional and 3D animation in the first episode of their new series of comedy shorts called Baby on Board Safety Car. [Watch]
The design and animation team at Brikk in Stockholm stage the leisurely and idyllic journey of an espresso machine from Italy to Norway in this thoughtfully rendered product launch film for La Marzocco. [Watch]
New short films from director Eoin Duffy are always a treat and his latest, the emotionally complex adventure Regular Rabbit, finds his signature mix of minimalist characters and surreal narrative posing the big question, “What is truth?” [Watch]
Category Animation, Character Animation, Featured, Short Films · Tags Eoin Duffy, Gavin Little, Henrique Barone, Leo Pearson, Rory McCann, RTE, Screen Ireland, Studio Belly
The loss of a beloved pet can be devastating but when co-founders Betsy de Fries and Jerry van de Beek at Little Fluffy Clouds recently lost their family dog, they chose to channel their emotions into this meditative 2D short film. [Watch]
AIM Studios apply their ample talents for narrative clarity and warmly illustrative visuals to an engaging literary journey for Rakuten Kobo, the Canadian ebook/e-reader brand thru Toronto agency The Garden. [Watch]