"Freeze Frame" Short Film by Soetkin Verstegen | STASH MAGAZINE

Soetkin Verstegen Animates Stop-Motion Ice in “Freeze Frame” Short Film

Brussels-based animator Soetkin Verstegen calls her attempt to use ice for a stop-motion film “the most absurd technique since the invention of the moving image.” [Watch]

Best of Stash 2020: Title Design | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2020: Title Design

While the explosion of scripted programming over the last five years has kept title design studios bustling, show opens have also emerged as an important showcase of choice for motion design passion projects. [Watch]

Best of Stash 2020: Characters | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2020: Character Design

Pandemic or not, and no matter the genre or tone of the project – in 2020 characters remained the single most reliable way to ensure an audience’s emotional engagement with your work. [Watch]

Best of Stash 2020: VFX | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2020: Advertising VFX

Despite virus-induced production setbacks in 2020, the universe of advertising VFX continued to expand with young studios vying with venerable post facilities for the chance to create the fun and emotion of new branded realities. [Watch]

Best of Stash 2020: Short Films

Best of Stash 2020: Short Films

Whether you crave a break from client work or you’re about to graduate, short films offer a powerful vehicle to expand your visual, narrative, and production talents while asserting your commitment to the art and craft of motion. [Watch]

Best of Stash 2020: Music Video | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2020: Music Videos

The best music videos have always been passion projects, with directors, animators, and VFX artists ignoring creative and fiscal restraints to push their ideas into new and unexplored visual terrain. [Watch]