The latest in Deutsch LA’s series of spots for Taco Bell’s Nacho Fries wrangles classic anime action and dialogue into a beat-perfect parody courtesy of Psyop directors Luca Vitale, Kylie Matulick, and Japanese studios Yapiko and Echelle Animation. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, Anime, Character Animation, Featured · Tags Deutsch, Echelle Animation, Kylie Matulick, Luca Vitale, Psyop, Taco Bell, Yapiko Animation
From the team at Motion504 in Minneapolis: “In his directorial debut at Motion504, Derek Loftis inspired the small but mighty team, keeping everyone connected and motivated through the thick of the pandemic.” [Watch]
Director Joe Wood, sound designer/composer Patrick Henchman, and the crew at Rumpus Animation in Bristol get up to all sorts of sweaty, frenetic fun in this festival hit they produced for Aardman’s online channel, Aardboiled. [Watch]
Hornet directors Natalie Labarre and Yves Geleyn help Century 21 celebrate 50 years in the real estate trade with a series of warm-hearted (and in one case, tear-inducing) real-world stories from agents who go above and beyond selling houses. [Watch]
Following up on their striking work for Balenciaga’s Spring 22 Clones Collection, the MPC teams in London and Bangalore draw on a 2010’s videogame aesthetic to build out a melancholy love story set in a VR-obsessed future dystopia. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Animation, Brand film, CG, Character Animation, Featured, Short Films · Tags Balenciaga, MPC, Nima Fakhrara, Quantic Dream, Unit Image
The Kansas City combo of indie rockers Hembree and design studio Carpenter Collective join forces with the animation talents at Igor + Valentine on a warm and jaunty music video powered by the band’s new track “Reach Out”. [Watch]