The Rift Animated Short Film Olivier Lescot and Eddy | STASH MAGAZINE

“The Rift” Animated Short Film by Olivier Lescot and Eddy

Eddy director Olivier Lescot draws inspiration from Hollywood westerns, graphic novels, and classic manga into a new personal film he describes as “an exploration of immersive camera movement capturing all the essence of pure action.” [Watch]

Adobe The World Is Your Canvas Director Cut Dvein | STASH MAGAZINE

Adobe “The World Is Your Canvas” Director’s Cut by Dvein

From directing duo Dvein in Barcelona: “For this fun collage-film for Adobe Photoshop we teamed up with Mathematic and 72andsunny and many other talents including Virginie Kypriotis, Ombrebueno, Mariah Midas, Chibuyum, Madkobra, Ferry Gouw, Kervin Brisseaux, Kate Moross, and Natasha Cunningham.” [Watch]

Team-USA-Maame-Biney-and-Elana-Meyers-Taylor-Art&Graft | STASH MAGAZINE

Team USA “Maame Biney” and “Elana Meyers Taylor” by Art&Graft

From the team at Art&Graft: “In this cool campaign for Team USA, Art&Graft in collaboration with 72andSunny show the team of family and friends behind the Olympians at Beijing 2022. [Watch]

CRUSH Short Film by MegaComputeur | STASH MAGAZINE

“CRUSH” Short Film by MegaComputeur

Passion Pictures directing collective MegaComputeur, whose previous short films have explored the untold terrors of doughnuts and poker night at the North Pole, turn their singular comedic sense to a tale of two old alpine cable cars and the scrap dealer who will decide their fate. [Watch]

Tears For Fears Break The Man Music Video WeWereMonkeys | STASH MAGAZINE

Tears For Fears “Break The Man” Music Video by WeWereMonkeys

WeWereMonkeys, aka the Montreal creative duo of Mihai Wilson and Marcella Moser, give a nod to Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher in their “maze-like world of concrete structures” built for Tears For Fears’ new single “Break The Man”. [Watch]

Motion Design School Frame by Frame Ninja Elias Velho | STASH MAGAZINE

Motion Design School “Frame by Frame Ninja” Promo by Elias Velho

Brazilian cel animator and motion designer Elias Velho lets loose in this punchy promo for his new online Motion Design School course Frame by Frame Ninja that promises to teach you “the hardcore way of animating, one drawing at a time.” [Watch]