Arvind Palep_New York City 2050 | STASH MAGAZINE

Arvind Palep’s Vision of New York City 2050

Leap forward in time 35 years and join 1stAveMachine director/co-founder Arvind Palep as he follows an NYPD patrol into the bowels of a dangerous and dystopian Manhattan. [Watch]


Head-snapping ITV2 Refresh via ManvsMachine

ManvsMachine (with production help from Neon and audio by David Kamp) conjures a crazed mix of live action and CG for this impossible-to-ignore refresh of ITV2, the naughty sibling of the ITV family aimed at 16-34s. [Watch]

Mark Lindner__Genesis | STASH MAGAZINE

A Cool, Dark Trip into Your Subconscious

Director Mark Lindner at London studio Panoply says the studio’s sleek and fractured new CG opus “Genesis” draws “heavily on a visual currency distilled from the subconscious and the psychology of self [and] dares us to fleetingly glimpse our own origins, our civilization and the known universe.” Audio by Echoic. [Watch]

Superfiction_Seoul | STASH MAGAZINE

Studio to Watch: SUPERFICTION

For a curator, few things compare to the jolt of excitement when you stumble upon promising talent, especially if their work is still very personal and not yet burdened with the harsh realities of the design business [Watch]

Jonathan Gurvit_BGH Chase | STASH MAGAZINE

How You Really Feel About Slow Downloads

The frustration of slow mobile downloads perfectly expressed in three over-the-top metaphor-dramadies courtesy of the all-Buenos Aries team of director Jonathan Gurvit, VFX house La Posta and agency Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi for the BGH G4 LTE smartphone. [Watch]

Disney’s Practical Guide to Path Tracing

If you were wondering why Baymax in Big Hero 6 looked so good (or you just want a primer in CG rendering), check this 10-min film from Walt Disney Animation Studios explaining how path tracing works and how their Hyperion renderer makes it possible to, for example, render vast city scenes with out the use of matte painting extensions. [Watch]