Populated by impossibly cute and enigmatic characters, this frenetic promotional animation called “Zoning Tokyo” for Arts Council Tokyo was directed by Takashi Ohashi with character design and animation by Japanese manga artist and illustrator error403. [Watch]
NYC director and former VFX artist Dan DiFelice sculpts a beautiful and redemptive film from a raw and powerful poem by Johnny “Bang” Reilly, a 51-year-old UK fighter, filmmaker and VO artist – with Framestore handling the VFX. [Watch]
How would you visualize a track from a band who calls their music “Live n’ kickin’ American folk-country music in Hebrew.” I have no idea either, but Uri Lotan and Yoav Shtibelman in Tel Aviv decided to transport the audience to a forgotten penny arcade where a wooden doll is stuck in place and time. [Watch]
With spring threatening to descend on New York, the timing of this bicycle-based 3D typographic exercise called “Type-Cycle” from London motion designer (and architecture grad) Marcel Piekarski is pretty much perfect. [Watch]
While buying gear at the auction for a bankrupt studio, animator, educator and film archivist Steve Stanchfield over at Cartoon Research spotted a VHS case labelled “Pixar Marketing Tape.” Prepare yourself. [Watch]
ManvsMachine construct a series of delightful kinetic CG sculptures based on the work of sneaker design superstars Hiroshi Fujiwara, Tinker Hatfield, and Mark Parker to help Nike fans mark Air Max Day 2016. [Watch]