AICP Chicago 2017 sponsor reel | STASH MAGAZINE

Lego My Logo!

The 2017 AICP Chicago Show opened with this colorful sponsor reel assembled by the Mill+ crew from a bajillion toy blocks in collaboration with Story and Comma Music. [Watch]

Attraction & Spherical short film | STASH MAGAZINE

“Attraction & Spherical” Title Sequence by Ligo Zhang

Beijing director and motion designer Ligo Zhang created this rich and ambitious CG title sequence as a personal “practice project” for a fictitious TV series adapted from the novel Gravity Globe. [Watch]

Netflix Punisher Titles | STASH MAGAZINE

Patrick Clair Opens “The Punisher” for Marvel and Netflix

The Punisher, the latest Marvel character to get his own Netflix series, opens with this shadowy and monochrome exploration of a sniper’s primary tool – from the masters of such things, Patrick Clair and the Elastic crew. [Watch]

War Child $249 | STASH MAGAZINE

The Cost of War = $249 for Every Person on Earth

War Child USA, today launched its first campaign in the United States with a powerful animated film narrated by “Stranger Things” star Caleb McLaughlin and featuring Radiohead’s “No Surprises.” [Watch]

Migros Christmas Finn | STASH MAGAZINE

Kyra & Constanin introduce “Finn” for Migros

The mystery of how supermarket checkout scanners work is finally revealed in this impossibly cute Christmas spot for Swiss supermarket Migros with directors Kyra & Constanin and Passion handling animation duties. [Watch]

Manor The Drawing | STASH MAGAZINE

againstallodds Investigates “The Drawing” for Manor

Passion directors againstallodds return for another holiday epic stuffed with charming characters engaged in a clear and classic narrative, this time for Swiss department store Manor. [Watch]