Goodbye Kansas Overkill The Walking Dead Maya trailer | STASH MAGAZINE

Meet Maya from Overkill’s The Walking Dead

Back in Dec/17 Swedish 3D studio Goodbye Kansas intro’d the gaming world to Aiden from the new Starbreeze game “Overkill’s The Walking Dead” in spectacular fashion. Now, as the zombies continue to close in, we meet a new badass named Maya. [Watch]

Gen Design Studio Crediflux Take back control | STASH MAGAZINE

Crediflux Brand Film by Gen Design Studio

Up until yesterday, Gen Design Studio (based in Braga, Portugal) had somehow eluded the Stash radar. That glaring oversight ended with the arrival of this precise and pristine CG brand film for Crediflux called “Take Back Control.” [Watch]

“Smarty/not Smarty” by Art&Graft

Using charming 3D animated storytelling, produced by Art&Graft, ‘SMARTY/not SMARTY’ playfully illustrates there are SMARTY and not so SMARTY choices in life. [Watch]

Tendril Autostore brand film 2018 | STASH MAGAZINE

Tendril and Worship: Warehouses of the Future (and Making-of)

Toronto motion houses Tendril and Worship whisk you into the future of robotic warehouse automation with this intense, scifi-flavored brand film for Norwegian tech company AutoStore.

FITC Toronto 2018 titles Joshua Davis | STASH MAGAZINE

FITC Toronto 2018 Titles by Joshua Davis and Saad Moosajee

Joshua Davis and Saad Moosajee: “The title sequence for FITC Toronto 2018 is built on the theme of Transform. [Watch]


Elegant Extensions for New Foxtel Logo

UK design director and 3D artist Douglas Bowden (aka Pandayoghurt) creates a series of minimalist and graceful 3D explorations of MAUD’s new mark for Australian broadcaster Foxtel. [Watch]