Simon Pyke Spatial, Ornamental, Tribal, Colossal by Universal Everything | STASH MAGAZINE

Simon Pyke “Spatial, Ornamental, Tribal, Colossal” by Universal Everything

Four new compilations of work from UK composer Simon Pyke receive the always-intriguing Universal Everything mocap CG treatment in this promo film designed and directed by longtime collaborator (and sibling) Matt Pyke. [Watch]

Globo Sistema de identidade by Vetor Zero | STASH MAGAZINE

Globo “Identity System” by LOBO/Vetor Zero

Brazilian studios LOBO and Vetor Zero contrast stripped down geometry with intense blasts of color in this impossible-to-ignore broadcast ID system for the Rede Globo television network. [Watch]

Don't Look Away gun violence PSA by Method | STASH MAGAZINE

“Don’t Look Away” PSA Against Gun Violence

Could graphic health warnings on ammunition boxes help reduce gun violence in America? This graphic PSA, with production by Method Studios, poses that question just in time for National Gun Violence Awareness Day on June 7th. [Watch]

Louise Lorr & Sens brand film by Kevin Cordier-Royer | STASH MAGAZINE

Lorr & Sens “Louise” Brand Film by Kevin Cordier-Royer

French VFX artist Kevin Cordier-Royer weaves live action and CG into a striking and whimsical fashion-first brand film for social coaching consultancy Lorr & Sens. [Watch]

Renault Dragons Cave with VFX by Nash | STASH MAGAZINE

Blockbuster VFX Reign in Renault’s “Dragon’s Cave”

São Paulo post house Nash conjures full-on feature-level VFX in this two-minute cinema ad from Saigon director Vellas which updates the 1980s animated cult-hit TV series Dungeons & Dragons. [Watch]

Euro-vision The-Artery | STASH MAGAZINE

The-Artery and Friends Celebrate Eurovision 2019

The-Artery celebrated the Eurovision invasion of Israel earlier this month by inviting animators, designers, and illustrators from 17 countries to “visualize what it means for humans and machines to operate as one.” [Watch]