If you’ve ever wondered how ordinary Japanese citizens deal with the constant barrage of Tokusatsu monsters battling it out in their cities, Six Gobelins students finally reveal the answer in “Tokyo Apocalypse”. [Watch]
Category Animation, CG, Character Animation, Featured, Short Films, Student Work · Tags Adam Sillard, Chloé Maingé, Constance Bertoux, Gobelins, Marion Boisrond, Mila Monaghan, Rodrigo Goulao de Sousa
Daniel Bartels, Jakob Saretz, and Marco Bergstein – motion designers in the German advertising industry – just finished their passion project, a spec title design for the USA Network series Mr. Robot. [Watch]
In his titles for the new Netflix doc “The Great Hack,” director/designer Ash Thorp asks “How do you show data being bought, sold, and weaponized in an artful and meaningful way? [Watch]
Category Big data, Broadcast Design, CG, Feature Film, Featured, Glitch, Motion Design, Particles, Titles, VFX · Tags Ash Thorp, Netflix, Zaoeyo
Cool up your summer with a two-minute peek at the stellar motion design, animation, and VFX included in STASH 136 – the latest (and possibly coolest) issue of the Stash Permanent Collection. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, Broadcast Design, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Featured, Games, Motion Capture, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, Stop Motion, Titles, VFX · Tags Amir B Jahanbin, Anna Ginsburg, Beeple, Cheerldr, Chris Bjerre, Coat of Arms, Cool 3D World, CRCR, Damien Bastelica, Filmograph, First Fight, Giant Ant, Hiroshi Kondo, HouseSpecial, Jake Wegesin, Jasper St Aubyn West, Jellyfish Pictures, Le Cube, Lobo, Los York, Magali García, Megaforce, Method Studios, MPC, Nacho Velasco, Nash, No Ghost, Piranha Bar, Ricky Marks, Shane Griffin, Strange Beast, Tendril, The Line, The Mill, Time Based Arts, WIZZ, YETI Pictures
London designer/director James Brocklebank complements the fine bespoke craftsmanship of UK furniture designers and makers Koop with two films featuring his own talents for immaculate and tasteful CG animation. [Watch]
“Ugly” co-director Nikita Diakur describes “Fighting Gravity,” his latest adventure into low-poly “accidental” animated comedy, as “Machine and me learning to stand up and balance.” [Watch]