Nike Epic React Football by Shane Griffin | STASH MAGAZINE

Nike Epic React Flyknit (Director’s Cut) by Shane Griffin

NY artist/director Shane Griffin lets loose with a short blast of bouncy color in the Nike Epic React Flyknit Campaign for Nike Football featuring both home and training colorways for Chelsea, Tottenham, PSG, and Barcelona. [Watch]

Miller Harris Gift Wrap 2019 | STASH MAGAZINE

In Praise of Silky (and Reusable) Gift Wrap

International design agency Jones Knowles Ritchie (known for high-profile clients like Dunkin’, Budweiser, and Burger King) apply their many talents to a smaller and more elegant project for London luxury perfume brand Miller Harris. [Watch]

Crown Royal Apple by Golden Wolf | STASH MAGAZINE

Trippin’ on Crown Royal Apple with Golden Wolf

Golden Wolf: “We’re taking you to another dimension with this spot for Crown Royal Apple created with our buddies at Anomaly.” [Watch]

SEE main titles by Imaginary Forces | STASH MAGAZINE

Imaginary Forces Opens “See” for Apple TV+

Creative director Karin Fong follows stylistically diverse work for “Jack Ryan” on Amazon and “Tell Me a Story” on CBS All Access with these ominous/intriguing titles for the Apple TV+ series “See” which finds humans in a future without their sense of sight. [Watch]

3D Gifathon by James Curran | STASH MAGAZINE

Perk up Your Day with James Curran’s 3D Gifathon

UK animation director James Curran: “A selection of GIFs from my NYC, LA and Tokyo Gifathons remastered in 3D. Each inspired by something that happened during my 30 day stays in each city.” [Watch]

Stuffed animated short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Start 2020 by Getting “Stuffed”

A sweet and quirky animated short about friendship and confronting your anger issues sounds like the perfect way to kick-off what’s looking to be a very unsettling year on many fronts. [Watch]