Rimantas Lukavicius at KORB and Gavin Little at Echolab: “This project was born a few years back but was never fully released until now. We experimented with inorganic matter found deep in the Colombian Andes at OCETA. [Watch]
For the launch of Fender’s American Acoustasonic Jazzmaster guitar, which allows players to blend between acoustic and electronic tones, veteran CG artisans ManvsMachine craft a stunner based on the tagline “The Sonic Shapeshifter”. [Watch]
HP brings together an A-team of the planet’s visual talent for this branded short film commissioned to highlight their line of Z high-performance PCs aimed at designers and creators. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Animation, Branded Content, CG, Featured, Motion Design · Tags Alex Trochut, GMUNK, Hewlett Packard, HP, Jody Macdonald, Nidia Dias, Orlando Arocena, Rik Oostenbroek, Shane Griffin, Valtteri Laihanen, Zelig Sound
Anna Gulyaeva, creative producer at Media.Work in Moscow: “With design and research lab SPACE10, we developed a set of scenes about global climate stressors that captured the essence of each phenomenon. [Watch]
Miss Sudoku in London: “One canvas created by 49 of the world’s best 3D artists. At a distance, it appears to be a gradient of rich purple through to baked yellow, but looking closer, each artist has created their own mini-masterpiece. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, CG, Featured, Motion Design · Tags Aaron Covrett, Adriana Mora, Alex Levinton, Alvaro Navarro, Antar Walker, Ben Watts, Christina Worner, Chromashifts, Dan Hoopert, Fabian Aerts, Fabio Sobrin, Facu Labo, Fede Kanno, Gryun, Helen Hsu, Hitabarity 3D, Ian Chudleigh, Itsscott, Jeff Han, Jesper Lindborg, Jonathan Lindgren, Jose Checa, Lady Caballo, Liam Pitchford, Linus Zoll, Luca Struchen, Lucabis, Mark Linder, Martín Salfity, Miss Sudoku, Nemanja Ivanovic, NickZRF, Obsedant, Odette, Phillip Peters, Ponio, Rich Nosworthy, Rolando, Rory McLean, Sasha Vinogradova, Scott Geersen, Sebastian Helene, Shane Hanlon, Stee Shaw, Taehoon Park, Thanu Lee, The Dink, Woosung, YasNV, Zachary Corzine
Playard Studios director/animator Carlos Fueyo uses Unreal Engine and manual CG modeling from photo references to craft an intricate and engaging tour through a proposed expansion of The Wolfsonian Museum in Miami Beach. [Watch]