"0110" Short Film by Taehoon Park | STASH MAGAZINE

“0110” Short Film by Taehoon Park

In his new passion project “0110”, South Korean 3D artist Taehoon Park sweeps us into a grim tech-ravaged future where intelligent machines threaten what remains of humanity and one survivor makes his escape. [Watch]

"Hortensia x Moooi" Brand Film by Reisinger Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

“Hortensia x Moooi” Brand Film by Reisinger Studio

Director Andres Reisinger at Reisinger Studio in Barcelona, Spain: “The Hortensia Armchair started out as a 3D rendering that soon went viral on social media. Even though the chair didn’t exist yet, its success prompted multiple orders. [Watch]

FITC Toronto 2021 Opening Titles by Laundry | STASH MAGAZINE

FITC Toronto 2021 Opening Titles by Laundry

FITC Toronto, the mother of all digital creative conferences, launched its 20th-anniversary edition virtually on Monday with this visual treat from CDs Alex Liou, PJ Richardson, and the crew at Laundry in LA. [Watch]

Google "Password Manager" Explainer by Oddfellows | STASH MAGAZINE

Google “Password Manager” Explainer by Oddfellows

Clarifying complex ideas and translating them into relatable, engaging narratives is a timeless and universally important skill whether you are a general on a battlefield or a motion designer hunkered down in your dining room. [Watch]

Uniskin "Retinoid Skin Renewal Treatment" Brand Film by XK Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Uniskin “Retinoid Skin Renewal Treatment” Brand Film by XK Studio

Director/designers Alexa Sirbu and Lukas Vojir at XK studio in London: “Uniskin is a biotech-driven skincare brand. We helped launch their Retinoid Skin Renewal Treatment with a short film demonstrating its benefits.” [Watch]

Hublot Sang Bleu II Ceramic (Director’s Cut) by Korb | STASH MAGAZINE

Hublot Sang Bleu II Ceramic (Director’s Cut) by Korb

The latest gorgeous brand film from Swiss luxury watchmakers Hublot arrives via the prodigious CG talents of Lithuanian studio Korb and acts as both complement and contrast to this recent Hublot work by Frame in Copenhagen. [Watch]