Hip Hop Public Health Lil Sugar Zombie Studios | STASH MAGAZINE

Hip Hop Public Health “Lil Sugar” by Zombie Studios

Fueled by a track from rapper and Run-DMC co-founder Darryl McDaniels, this ambitious spot/music video by director Paulo Garcia and Zombie Studios in São Paulo helps raise awareness of the dietary dangers of sugar for non-profit Hip Hop Public Health. [Watch]

Delightfully Diverse AT&T Discovery District Universal Everything | STASH MAGAZINE

“Delightfully Diverse” AT&T Discovery District Media Wall by Universal Everything

ECD/founder Matt Pyke at Universal Everything: “Delightfully Diverse is a digital artwork created for a 32 meter tall 6K media wall in the new AT&T Discovery District in downtown Dallas, Texas.” [Watch]

Recycled Short Film Media.Work | STASH MAGAZINE

“Recycled” Short Film by Media.Work

Creative directors Igor Sordokhonov, Maxim Zhestkov, and the team at Media.Work are back with their latest in-house project “dedicated to the research of how plastic waste could be reclaimed and turned into new items.” [Watch]

Royal Botania Calypso Lounge Fat Tony Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Royal Botania “Calypso Lounge” Product Film by Fat Tony Studio

From the team at Fat Tony Studio in The Hague, Netherlands: “This is a promotional film made for the Calypso Lounge, the newest modular lounge seating Belgian furniture brand Royal Botania.” [Watch]

Far Cry 6 Chicharron Run Traktor Important Looking Pirates | STASH MAGAZINE

Far Cry 6 “Chicharrón Run” Spot by Traktor and Important Looking Pirates

Working with Stink directors Traktor and DDB Paris, Stockholm CG and VFX powerhouse Important Looking Pirates starts a revolution with a punked-up rooster and beautiful/chaotic cinematography in this romp for Ubisoft’s Far Cry 6. [Watch]

Green Life short film Exposes Secrets CG Animation | STASH MAGAZINE

“Green Life” Exposes Production Secrets of CG Animated Shorts

In an act of true selfless courage, directors Ricard Badia, Russ Etheridge, and Milo Targett (sometimes disguised as “Plank Studio” in London) take us behind the scenes in this shocking exposé of how CG short films are actually made. [Watch]