Logitech “Logi Dock” Product Film by ManvsMachine
From the team at ManvsMachine: “Our friends at Logitech approached us to create a commercial for their new groundbreaking product The Logi Dock. [Watch]
From the team at ManvsMachine: “Our friends at Logitech approached us to create a commercial for their new groundbreaking product The Logi Dock. [Watch]
Refik Anadol, media artist and director in Los Angeles: “What would a machine mind dream of after ‘seeing’ the vast collection of The Museum of Modern Art? In other words, if the corpus of images of the MoMA collection had been accomplished by a single artist, what would their dreams look like? [Watch]
Following on from their visual research into the textures and tactility of felt, the crew at Media.Work in Moscow pivot their CG powers to explore another ubiquitous material that we all take for granted. [Watch]
From the team at Bito in Taipei, Taiwan: “The Golden Horse 58 Awards Ceremony, from the concept of refocusing this year’s theme, kicked off the Golden Horse Awards with a blockbuster film. [Watch]
Passion Animation directors Kyra & Constantin, who kept tear ducts wide-open last year with this spot for Ernst, turn their talents for character and narrative to a Toyota driver who finally gives into sharing holiday joy. [Watch]
The 2021 edition of OFFF Vienna launched with this ambitious and atmospheric allegory from director Ian Bradley and the creative team at animation/VFX studio Carbon, complete with a live orchestral score by Antfood. [Watch]