Unboxing Amazon Music Stevie Gee & Essy May Blinkink | STASH MAGAZINE

Unboxing Amazon Music with Stevie Gee & Essy May at Blinkink

Take a peek behind the scenes as Blinkink directing duo Stevie Gee & Essy May whip together 2D animation, stop-motion, CG, puppets, and VFX into a genre-skipping 60-second treat for Amazon Music thru Droga5 London. [Watch]

Mozilla Amaya’s Flashlight Polyester Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Mozilla “Amaya’s Flashlight” by Polyester Studio

Charming treatment for a serious subject from Polyester Studio in Toronto for Mozilla and their efforts to help students of color who are often flagged to their teachers because testing software can’t see them. [Watch]

Timeline Nutrition Product Film Sebastian Helene | STASH MAGAZINE

Timeline Nutrition Product Film by Sebastian Helene

3D designer/animator Sebastian Helene in Ireland: “The task was to bring Timeline Nutrition’s products into the 3D realm, creating modular scenes which they could use for marketing/advertising purposes. [Watch]

Digital Kitchen Resorts World Las Vegas | STASH MAGAZINE

Digital Kitchen Lights Up the Vegas Strip

The animation and experiential crew at Digital Kitchen light up the Vegas strip in spectacular fashion with an array of eclectic eye candy running on the largest LED screens in North America. [Watch]

CG Short Film Catalyst by Found | STASH MAGAZINE

Found Treats Light as Material in New CG Short Film “Catalyst”

From the team at Found in London: “As part of Found’s ongoing investigations into light and form, the studio looked at the world of construction and fabrication, seeking beauty in the kineticism of hard materials. [Watch]

Pandayoghurt Verizon CES | STASH MAGAZINE

Pandayoghurt Blurs the Organic and Digital for Verizon

Part of a mixed reality presentation for Verizon’s keynote at CES on the future of 5G connectivity, this CG film by UK director/designer Douglas Bowden (aka Pandayoghurt) parallels the theme of blending physical and digital worlds. [Watch]