Magic: The Gathering card set releases are seismic events in the world of fantasy role-playing games, and this new trailer from CD Tosh Kodama and the Imaginary Forces crew marks the occasion with appropriate drama and gravitas. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, Animation, CG, Character Animation, Featured, Games · Tags Antfood, filipe carvalho, Imaginary Forces, Magic: The Gathering, Tosh Kodama, Wizards of the Coast
From the team at The Mill in London: “We joined forces with Electronic Arts, Respawn Entertainment, and Lucasfilm Games on the reveal of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, the sequel to the action-adventure video game, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.” [Watch]
Director/animators Mariusz Becker and Philip Lück at WOUQ in Germany: “Tylko approached us to help them out with their new social media campaign, focusing on their custom and perfect fitting furniture made just for your personal space.” [Watch]
In their latest investigation of commonplace objects and processes, creative director Igor Sordokhonov and the Media.Work team deconstruct the elements and aesthetics of personal beauty products. [Watch]
Enigmatic, minimal, and sweeping in scale, “OXO” is the latest music video by Estonian studio Tolm for musician/composer Janek Murd and shares a certain austere playfulness with their previous collaboration ‘AVA’ from late 2021. [Watch]
Director Tom Teller and his animation and post crew at Frame 48 in LA, conjure a dystopian uprising of freerunning civilians for English rockers Muse and their track “Will of the People” off the upcoming album of the same name. [Watch]