Magic The Gathering Streets of New Capenna Trailer Imaginary Forces | STASH MAGAZINE

Magic: The Gathering “Streets of New Capenna” Trailer by Imaginary Forces

Magic: The Gathering card set releases are seismic events in the world of fantasy role-playing games, and this new trailer from CD Tosh Kodama and the Imaginary Forces crew marks the occasion with appropriate drama and gravitas. [Watch]

The Mill Star Wars Jedi Survivor Game trailer | STASH MAGAZINE

The Mill Drops Teaser Trailer for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Game

From the team at The Mill in London: “We joined forces with Electronic Arts, Respawn Entertainment, and Lucasfilm Games on the reveal of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, the sequel to the action-adventure video game, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.” [Watch]

Tylko Spaces Brand Films by WOUQ | STASH MAGAZINE

Tylko “Spaces” Brand Films by WOUQ

Director/animators Mariusz Becker and Philip Lück at WOUQ in Germany: “Tylko approached us to help them out with their new social media campaign, focusing on their custom and perfect fitting furniture made just for your personal space.” [Watch]

Sparkle CG Exploration by Media Work | STASH MAGAZINE

“Sparkle” CG Exploration by Media.Work

In their latest investigation of commonplace objects and processes, creative director Igor Sordokhonov and the Media.Work team deconstruct the elements and aesthetics of personal beauty products. [Watch]

Janek Murd OXO Music Video Joosep Volk | STASH MAGAZINE

Janek Murd “OXO” Music Video by Joosep Volk and Tolm

Enigmatic, minimal, and sweeping in scale, “OXO” is the latest music video by Estonian studio Tolm for musician/composer Janek Murd and shares a certain austere playfulness with their previous collaboration ‘AVA’ from late 2021. [Watch]

Muse Will of the People Music Video Tom Teller Frame48 | STASH MAGAAZINE

Muse “Will of the People” Music Video by Tom Teller and Frame 48

Director Tom Teller and his animation and post crew at Frame 48 in LA, conjure a dystopian uprising of freerunning civilians for English rockers Muse and their track “Will of the People” off the upcoming album of the same name. [Watch]