Alone Together Motion Art Installation by Radugadesign | STASH MAGAZINE

“Alone Together” Motion Art Installation by Radugadesign

CD Ivan Nefedkin at Radugadesign: “Alone Together is a digital motion design art piece we created initially for a cornered screen in New York. Then, it was commissioned for two other setups, one in Shanghai and this one in Manila in the Philippines. [Watch]

Bipod Earth Product Film by Playbackdesign | STASH MAGAZINE

B!POD “Earth” Product Film by

Following on their stellar OneBlade razor brand film, AD/designer Evaldas Česnavičius and the CG crew at elevate another green product in this film for the B!POD food preservation system. [Watch]

Somei Chiu Vide et Crede titles Kazdel VN | STASH MAGAZINE

Somei and Chiu Reteam to Open Vide et Crede Game for Kazdel VN

After combining forces in 2021 on the spectacular trailer for Super Mecha Champions, CG masters Somei Sun and Chiu Ho explore a unique mix of classic anime characters and atmospheric 3D-noir in the titles for Vide et Crede, a new game from Vietnamese developer Kazdel VN. [Watch]

Sarofsky Opens The Staircase for HBO Max | STASH MAGAZINE

Sarofsky Opens the “The Staircase” for HBO Max

With the construction of a mutating translucent labyrinth, ECD Erin Sarofsky and her design team set an enigmatic tone for the HBO Max series “The Staircase” while hinting at the calculated nature of the crime that inspired it. [Watch]

Athena Health Lonely Data Aggressive and Loop | STASH MAGAZINE

Athena Health “Lonely Data” (Director’s Cut) by Aggressive and Loop

From the team at Aggressive: “Can health tech be cool? Hell yeah! For health tech giant Athenahealth’s reimagined brand, we mixed live-action, CG, and stop-motion to create the many elements of a campaign including spots, social, print, OOH, and everything in-between.” [Watch]

Verizon Fios Refresh Panoply | STASH MAGAZINE

Verizon Fios Refresh by Panoply

Panoply creative director Mark Lindner: “Verizon approached us to create a package of interstitials to accompany promotions for nine different programing genres on their Fios on Demand service.” [Watch]