Breeder_SyFy The Expanse | STASH MAGAZINE

Breeder Opens “The Expanse” for SyFy

We suspect some of the praise SyFy is enjoying for their new space drama series “The Expanse” (based on the novels by James S. A. Corey, aka writers Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck), is a direct result of how well the show’s tone is set by this sweeping and ominous title sequence by Australian studio Breeder. [Watch]

Awesome_Adult Swim ID | STASH MAGAZINE

Awesome “Evolving Thoughts” for Adult Swim

The fertile Adult Swim ID Project continues (unfettered by the shackles of narrative or common sense) with this languid, morph-adelic short titled “Evolving Thoughts” from the all-Atlanta team of motion studio Awesome Inc and music/sound house Bluetube. [Watch]

Roof_Nat Geo Brain Games | STASH MAGAZINE

The Surreal Side of Nat Geo’s “Brain Games”

National Geographic Channel’s Emmy-nominated series Brain Games punches out of the broadcast clutter with this whimsical and intensely detailed CG promo from the master of such things, Roof director Vinicius Costa. [Watch]

Stay Inspired with STASH 114

If you’ve never experienced The Stash Permanent Collection, now’s the time with a FREE 30-day subscription. Our 114th issue adds another 31 outstanding animation, VFX and motion projects to the planet’s largest online video design library, plus behind-the-scenes features and exclusive interviews. [Watch]


The MTV ID’s Killed by Lawyers

Let’s say you’re a giant international media brand and you ask a design/animation studio to create IDs that “make fun of some pop icons.” And let’s say that studio nails it. Delivers in frickin’ spades. What could possibly go wrong? [Watch]

Inland Studio Discovery | STASH MAGAZINE

InlandStudio for Discovery Latam

Although only three years old, InlandStudio has made their mark in the crowded Buenos Aires design and animation scene with solid work for many of the region’s largest brands including this beautiful broadcast open for a Discovery Latam series showcasing engineering mega-projects in Colombia. [Watch]