Againstallodds and Milford Play Lotería de Navidad

The heartwarming holiday tale of a humble mannequin factory security guard and Spain’s national lottery which draws only once a year at Christmas. The 3.5 minute film, from Passion Pictures’ directing collective Againstallodds with CG by Stockholm studio Milford thru Leo Burnett Madrid, took four months to complete. [Watch]


Hue&Cry Unpacks the “Power of a Box” for Care

The story of CARE, the pioneering US charity founded in 1945 to deliver aid to a devastated Europe, told in solemn and powerful words and images by Richmond, Virginia animation and design studio Hue&Cry to anchor a new campaign spanning print, digital and social media. [Watch]

Playgrounds 2015 Titles | STASH MAGAZINE

Playgrounds Festival 2015: A Title Sequence Like No Other

The sold out 2015 edition of Playgrounds opened earlier this month in Tilberg, NL with a refreshing twist on the classic creative fest titles: a collaborative effort by Dutch artists and studios with each directing a section and passing it on. [Watch]

Christophe Peladan Goutte d'Or | STASH MAGAZINE

Stop Motion Masterwork “Goutte d’Or”

So here’s the thing: the love interest is nubile, naked, flies a broom, and her octopus-wig doubles as her chaperone fending off the lusty advances of an undead, one-eyed old pirate captain while three also-undead sailors hang around playing musical wingmen. [Watch]

Jesse Collett_Boom is Life | STASH MAGAZINE

Behind the Scenes on “Boom is Life” with Director Jesse Collett

London director/designer Jesse Collett graduated from the Royal College of Art in 2014 on the strength of this low key but technically adventurous short film he describes as “an ethereal, multi-dimensional mashup of real and animated elements.” [Watch]

Still Rising_Beatsofreen | STASH MAGAZINE

Hideki Inaba: Beatsofreen “Slowly Rising”

Japanese animator/director Hideki Inaba remixes elements from his recent animated short called “Berg” into a new video of breathtaking organic complexity for the “Slowly Rising” track by Dutch electro artist Beatsofreen. [Watch]