Director/animator Cris Wiegandt and designer/illustrator Bárbara Fonseca in Berlin: “This project was done while we shared studio space and was inspired by a mutual curiosity in what a collaboration between us could result in as well as a need to get outside of comfort zones and expand artistic horizons. [Watch]
Joyrider executive producer Spencer Friend in London: “Going back in time, director/animator Reuben Sutherland creates a visual feast for Partefact’s new single ‘Time Travel’.
Working thru agency Across the Pond, London’s Art&Graft wrangle new AI image simulation software to craft a painterly tour for Google and “inspire a future generation about the incredible potential of quantum computing.” [Watch]
Populating live-action miniatures with storybook CG characters, director Nick Groeneveld and the Amsterdam studio of Ambassadors make the case that “money can create happiness” in their latest film for ASN Bank. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, CG, Character Animation, Featured, Miniatures · Tags Ambassadors, ASN Bank, Joep Meijburg, Nick Groeneveld, Sebastiaan Roestenburg, Selmore
Nerdo studio in Turin, Italy: “[With] 24 teams, 184 riders, 21 stages, 3450 kilometers, the Giro D’Italia is one of the most important world cyclist competitions… celebrating the heritage of a sport with more than 100 years of history in Italy. [Watch]
The combined talents of director/animator Alex Grigg, illustrator Matt Blease, and music house Pitch & Sync capture a 40-second jaunt with a serious message for UK beverage maker innocent drinks and their “Big Environmental Dreams”. [Watch]