Theferruat Coffee Grinder Andy Lipe2 | STASH MAGAZINE

“Theferruat Coffee Grinder” Product Film by Andy Lipe

Graphic Designer, AD, and 3D artist Andy Lipe in Madrid: “As a coffee lover, I want to highlight one of my favorite daily products, a Theferruat coffee grinder. I really enjoyed the process, I hope you like it too.” [Watch]

Wisher TV Series Main Titles Flatwhite Motion | STASH MAGAZINE

“Wisher” TV Series Main Titles by Flatwhite Motion

Flatwhite Motion, the design studio with offices in Sydney and Qingdao, China, sets the tone for the Chinese drama series “Wisher” with a beautifully lit CG sequence touching on themes of technology, manipulation, and fate. [Watch]

The Macallan M & M Black Tigrelab | STASH MAGAZINE

“The Macallan M & M Black” Reveal Film by Tigrelab

Tasty new CG work out of Tigrelab in Barcelona to introduce designer Fabien Baron’s striking M Black crystal decanter, crafted by Lalique and filled with what Macallan describes as a “deep and smoky” single malt whiskey. [Watch]

Stake The Takeover Augenblick Studios | STASH MAGAZINE

Stake “The Takeover” Launch by Augenblick Studios

Brooklyn’s Augenblick Studios updates classic Fleischer Brothers style animation in stand-out work for online brokerage platform Stake produced thru agency Bear Meets Eagle on Fire and powered by the spoken word prowess of Black Chakra. [Watch]


A Very Short Film About a Very Long Goose by AJ Jefferies

Few people do silly creatures better than AJ Jefferies, a 3D illustrator/animator based in Norwich, UK who burst onto the Stash radar in 2020 with his beat-perfect comedy “Horse” that also made the Best of Stash collections that year. [Watch]

Oreo-The-Batman-Hans-Christoph-Schultheiss-Sehsucht | STASH MAGAZINE

Oreo vs. The Batman Courtesy of Hans-Christoph Schultheiss and Sehsucht

From the team at Sehsucht in Hamburg, Germany: “Oreo celebrates the global theatrical release of The Batman with a limited edition special embossment on their cookies.” [Watch]